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Short Pitches

As a means to promote the active participation of students and researchers and their interaction with lecturers and other attendees, the MRS will include, at the end of each day, a 1 hour session devoted to the presentation of short selected pitches of 10 minutes (6 minutes presentation + 4 minutes of Q&As)* organized in three categories, briefly described in a candid manner as follows:

* During the registration process, interested students/researchers must indicate that they wish to do one or more short pitches and specify the corresponding categories (P1, P2, P3) . At a later stage, they will be asked to submit a up-to two page summary of their pitch(es), relying mostly on pictures, diagrams, and photos. After a quick evaluation process by a pannel of international reviewers, the selected participants will be invited to present their findings during the MRS. A juri of scholars attending in person will give the best Futuristic Vision Award to the presenter of the best P3 pitch.

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Possible Funding Opportunity

We have confirmation on possible financing of selected participants by the IEEE. A reduced number of students will become eligible to have all or part of their expenses reimbursed directly by the IEEE organization. For this purpose, selected candidates will be required to show proof of: i) participation in the MRSchool and in the short pitches sessions, ii) receipts of flight tickets and lodging expenses, and iii) boarding passes. The selection of eligible students will be done by an international panel that will evaluate and rank the top 5 presenters of short pitches. We therefore advise interested participants to please keep the documents mentioned above.