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Mohd Rizal Arshad

Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Research Area: Robotics and Industrial Automations, MeasUrement and Instrumentation Techniques, Biomedical Electronics and Medical Imaging, Underwater Robotics Technology.

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David Cabecinhas

Associate Professor, IST, Univ. Lisbon, Portugal
Research Area: Robot Control; Fault Detection and Reconfiguration; Real-Time Systems Implementation and HIL simulations using the Robot Operating Systems (ROS).

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Massimo Caccia

Research manager,Institute of Marine Engineering, Genoa, Italy
Research Area: Cooperative navigation, guidance and control of heterogeneous unmanned marine vehicles. Modeling and identification of unmanned marine vehicles. Design and development of prototype marine robots, Polar marine robotics,Digital twins.

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Bishwajit Chakraborty

Chief Scientist(Retired), CSIR-National Institute of oceanography, Goa, India
Research Area: Underwater Passive Acoustics,Multibeam mapping, Seafloor classification and characterization using acoustics, Underwater Acoustics and related signal processings.

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Ahmed Chemori

Researcher,University of Montpellier, France
Research Area: Predictive control, Adaptive Control, Nonlinear Robust Control and Their Applications in Robotics.

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Mandar Chitre

Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
Research Area: signal processing, ambient noise imaging, underwater acoustic communications, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), complex dynamic systems and emergent behavior.

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Rita Cunha

FCT Researcher,IST, Univ. Lisbon, Portugal
Research Area: Systems and Control, Autonomous Robotic Vehicles.

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Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias

Professor, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, Department of Electronical and Computer Engineering
Research Area: Computer Vision, Robotics Image and Signal Analysis, Microprocessors and Digital Systems, Advanced Processing Architectures, Machile Learning.

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Rory Findlay

Business Development Manager at Nortek UK working in subsea robotics and oceanography
Research Area: Navigation Systems, DVL-based navigation, Development of advanced acoustic navigation systems.

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Jorge Fontes

Assistant researcher,University of the Azores,Horta; Post doc researcher,IMAR - Instituto do Mar: Horta, Azores, Portugal
Research Area: Fish recruitment, reef and seamount fish ecology and MPA design, Control of marine invasive algae, Spatial ecology and connectivity of seamount fish populations, Marine megafauna, Marine robotic technology applied to marine science.

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Thor I. Fossen

Professor, Dept. of Eng. Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Research Area: Autonomous vehicles and Marine Robotics, Vehicle Modeling, Navigation Systems, Guidance and Control, Cooperative Systems.

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Dictino Chaos García

Associate Professor,Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control (DIA) of the Computer Engineering School of UNED University,Spain
Research Area: Nonlinear control, tracking, point stabilization, and path following of under-actuated vehicles. Stability of switched systems, machine vision, robotics. Control under actuator failures.

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Yogesh (Yogi) Girdhar

Associate Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
Research Area: science and systems of exploration robots in extreme, communication starved environments such as the deep sea, development of robotics and machine learning based techniques to enable search, discovery, and mapping of natural phenomena that are difficult to observe and study due to variouis physical and information theoretic challenges.

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Manu Ignatius

Chief Executive Officer at Subnero
Research Area: Acoustic communications. Development of advanced communication systems.

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Giovanni Indiveri

Associate Professor, University of Genoa, Italy
Research Area: Marine Robotics, Mobile Robotics, Robotics, Systems and Control Engineering.

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Pramod Khargonekar

Professor ,Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine
Research Area: Control and systems theory, cyber-physical systems, and applications to manufacturing, renewable energy and smart grids. Machine learning for control and estimation.

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Maarja Kruusmaa

Professor, Head of Centre - Centre for Biorobotics: Department of Computer Systems, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Research Area: Biorobotics, electroactive materials and devices and their control, underwater robotics and learning algorithms for intelligent robots.

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Ricard Marxer

Professor, Université de Toulon, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, LIS
Director of Master Mundus MIR
Research Area: Speech perception and processing, Machine listening, Unsupervised learning, Source separation, Inverse problem modelling, Low-latency audio processing.

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Francesco Maurelli

Professor, Constructor University, Bremen, Germany
Research Area: robotics, autonomous systems, machine intelligence, navigation, SLAM, fault management, knowledge representation.

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Pramod Maurya

Scientist, CSIR-National Institute of oceanography, Goa, India
Research Area: Design and Development of Autonomous Marine Robots, Navigation and Control, Geophysical Navigation, Robots for sustained presence at Sea.

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Pratyush Menon

Lecturer ,University of Exeter, UK
Research Area:Distributed Control and Estimation, Multi Agent Systems, Formation and Cooperative Control. Obstacle Detection and Avoidance, Boundary Mapping / Source Localization.

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Koena Mukherjee

Assistant Professor, NIT Silchar
Research Area: Autonomous robots (Aerial, Underwater), Biomimetic robots, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Nonlinear Control of Robots, Robust & Adaptive Control, Motion Planning.

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Andrea Munafó

Research Lead, University of Pisa, Italy
Research Area: Acoustics, Robotics, Multi-agent systems, Sensor Networks, AI planning.

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M.V.Ramana Murthy

Director & Scientist-G, National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR) Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of IndiaResearch Area: Offshore and Coastal Hydrodynamics, Wave Structure Interaction, Modelling of (Coastal Processes, Tsunami, Storm Surge, Urban Flooding), Port and Harbour Structures and Marine Spatial Planning.

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Antonio Pascoal

Associate Professor, IST, Univ. Lisbon, Portugal
Adjunct Scientist, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India
Research Area: Cooperative Motion Planning, Navigation, and Control; Dynamical Systems; Marine Robotics.

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Suresh Rajendran

Associate Professor, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras
Research Area: Numerical modelling of fluid-structure interaction, Nonlinear ship dynamics and hydrodynamics, Hydroelasticity, Maneuvering in waves, Parametric rolling of ships.

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Amit Ray

Naval Architect, Indian Navy.
Research Area: Design of underwater vehicles, Manoeuvring Hydrodynamics of underwater vehicles, AUV development, Geopolitics.

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David Salinas

Assistant Professor, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain
Research Area: Machine Learning, AI for modelling and identification, Navigation and Control of Marine Robots, Optimal Sensor Placement for Target Localization.

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Pedro J Sanz

Head of the Interactive and Robotic Systems Lab ,Professor,Computer Science and Engineering Department , Jaume I University of Castellón ,Spain
Research Area: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence applied to real life scenarios with special emphasis on field robotics and intervention systems. Autonomous underwater vehicles.

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Luis Sebastião

Research Engineer, IST, Univ. Lisbon, Portugal
Research Area: Marine Robotics and Systems Integration; Deep Sea Systems; Hydrographic and Geotechnical Surveys

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Dana Yoerger

Senior Scientist,Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering,Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Massachusetts, USA
Research Area: Robotics, automation of remotely operated and autonomous underwater vehicles; localization, navigation, and positioning, autonomous robots for exploration of the seafloor and the ocean's twilight zone.

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